#Ahmadiyya deal with their cognitive dissonance with a standard bunch of retorts. Including:

“Your references are wrong”. (No they’re not. I checked them out.)

“You’re quoting out of context” (On the odd occasion, yes, but most of his nasty output is nasty despite heavy contextualisation)

“That’s not an authentic book or You are lying” (I use only Ahmadi books)

“The same accusations were made against Muhammad (pbuh)” (Actually, they weren’t. Nobody accused the Last Prophet (saw) of using foul language against anyone, or of taking drugs, ever – and more to the point – any accusations made were rejected in the Qur’an)

“He’s not really claiming prophethood” (Err, read his books. Especially “The Removal of a Misunderstanding” and “Lecture Sialkot”)

“You are copy pasting twisted lies of mulahs“
(now you have really made them speechless with facts)